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to behave well

behave well是指举止得体。

你可以对某人说注意行为举止如behave oneself,或者说they behave。你可以在祈使句中使用这些词来斥责某人的恶劣行为。

  • She was under strict orders from her parents to behave herself.
  • Boys, please behave yourselves in front of our guests.
  • If he behaves, he could be out of prison very soon.
  • Billy! Behave!

你也可以告诉一个孩子在一个对他们来说很重要的情况下表现最好。行为Behavior 是这个词的美式英语拼写。英式英语的拼写是behaviour (行为)。

to behave


行为是最常用的词。有的人表现得好behave well,有的人表现得不好behave badly,等等。你也可以用这个词来谈论一个人或一件事在特定的情况或条件下的反应。这个意思经常用在科学的语境中。

  • The kids behaved well at grandma’s yesterday.
  • Look at all I've done for you, and this is how you behave!
  • People behave differently when they can provide feedback anonymously.


Two men were acting suspiciously in the car park.

Conduct yourselfcomport yourself是行为举止的正式说法。

  • Captain Bingham has conducted himself in a manner unbecoming to an officer.
  • She comported herself with great dignity at her husband's funeral.

well behaved


Well behaved 是一个赞许的词,用来形容孩子们有礼貌,不做任何淘气的事。

  • Our kids are normally well behaved.
  • I've never seen such well-behaved children.

well behaved的相反是badly behaved.

As a child, he was badly behaved.


Be a good boy and sit quietly.

As good as gold意为非常好,尤指用赞许的方式告诉某人一个孩子表现得很好。

The babysitter said Arlo had been as good as gold.


Julian is a little angel.


He always tried his best to be an obedient son.

If someone is polite they behave in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding and care for other people's feelings.


Both the kids were polite and well-behaved.